Lorena Murphy Undergraduate Scholarship
Purpose: Lorena Murphy worked at Purdue University from 1964 to 1993 as an Account Clerk for Housing and Food Services. She also had a passion for the past, took courses in the History Department, and received her B.A. in History in 1990. Lorena Murphy passed away in 2008. In her honor, the Lorena Murphy estate has made this scholarship available to outstanding history majors to help defray costs of their undergraduate education, specifically for the “purchase of history textbooks for deserving students.”
Criteria and selection: Selected by the Undergraduate Committee and Department Head based on academic excellence, the recipient of the award must be an undergraduate History major who has completed at least four History courses with a minimum GPA of 3.5 in history and an overall GPA of at least 3.0.
Apply: Department of History Undergraduate Awards Application
Deadline: Materials must be received by January 26, 2025.
Questions: Contact O.T. Ford, Academic Program Manager: otford@purdue.edu